Workwear production in Turkey: Cation Workwear
Having a strong brand and branded experience therefore comes from a unified ‘look’ which can only be achieved through matching employee outfits such as those on offer from Cation Workwear who is a workwear manufacturer Turkey.
As companies grow and increase in awareness, it’s important to provide a sense of familiarity and consistency to customers. Customers have come to expect a standardized experience to which their needs are met. Since the industrial age customers have been dealing with corporate identities and even though the individuals representing the companies change, customers expect to receive the same level of service day after day. This is because as companies grow, customers need to be taken into consideration when resolving any queries or issues. Companies have developed a ‘persona’ so to say, with which customers can identify.
Part of increasing customer satisfaction comes from eliminating any unnecessary thought-processes on the customers’ side and providing a swift customer service experience. This has led to an increase in customer retention and service ratings. So whenever a customer enters a business’ premises, they have come to expect the ability to easily identify staff and associate with the company brand.

Why Invest In Workwear?
Corporate clothing brings with it a sense of belonging, allowing employees to identify with their work and to build a team spirit. Workwear production adds to the professionalism of each team whether they be front office (client facing), back office (internal or admin operations) or warehouse and manufacturing staff. Work wear production may range from uniforms, overalls, T-shirt, S-shirt and Polar, Workwear, Corporate wear, Coat, Overall, Vest, Apron, Security wear, Shirt, and Trousers. Not only does workwear production offer protection from high risk environments such as exposure to hazardous materials and temperatures, but also prevents work related issues such as loose clothing getting caught in machinery, for example. For all your workwear production needs, be sure to contact Cation Workwear.
Contact Us
We as Cation Workwear & Uniforms are providing best quality workwear and uniform product to Turkey’s leading companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Tüvtürk, Enerjisa, Betonsa, Aksa Doğalgaz, Doğuş Otomotiv. You can get in touch with us with our contact page, or send us an e-mail at or call us on +90 212 554 83 31.